About Steel City UX Ladies


The steel city that once resembled the rust-belt decline is now booming with new tech and talent emerging in artificial intelligence, robotics, biomedical research, and more! Ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, Pittsburgh is a city of adventure with an ever-expanding network of possibility.

Steel City UX Ladies is not exclusive to women who have UX in their job title - we welcome anyone who has an interest in user experience. After all, UX is a part of our everyday lives — it’s the decision making that goes into how we live, how we work, and how we approach problem solving.

Education & Support

UX is a lifelong learning process, and Steel City UX Ladies is comprised of a variety of UX talent, including enthusiasts, students, educators, practitioners, leaders, influencers, and more! We host events that enable mentorship pairings, portfolio and resume reviews, and more to support you in your UX career journey.

Networking & Relationships

Are you new to Pittsburgh and looking to find an outlet to meet new people? Are you a college student, looking for some career advice? Or are you a new graduate, looking for an introduction for a job you’ve been eyeing? Steel City UX Ladies represents women with diverse backgrounds and experiences in UX — a network that can support you to grow yourself personally and professionally. And you never know, you may end up developing a lasting friendship!

Social & Creative Outlets

Steel City UX Ladies isn’t just about UX in the traditional sense, we encourage sharing and participating in experiences that are thought provoking and fun! This might involve learning a new craft, participating in a book and/or video discussion, social hours, and more! Steel City UX Ladies is all about the members and how we can evolve together to create an awesome network for women!